Tic-tac-toe vs AI
Posted on February 19, 2023
I completed a fun little project while taking the online course on Artificial Intelligence offered by Harvard. The project involved implementing a game playing agent using the minmax algorithm. This algorithm always looks for a state that has the minimum of the maximum possible losses at the subsequent states.
Built using
- React JS
- Javascript
- Netlify
- minmax algo
Project Summary
Tic Tac Toe is a timeless board game that is traditionally played by two players. The participants take turns placing their chosen symbol, either a tick or a cross, in one of the empty cells on the 3x3 board. The objective of the game is to mark three cells in a row, column, or diagonal with the same symbol. In this project, I programmed an AI agent to play tic-tac-toe against a user by maximizing the chances of winning. Given the nature of the game, it is impossible to beat this agent on a 3x3 board.