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👋Hi, I'm Ehtisham.

Software and Machine Learning Engineer.

I am an aspiring Software and AI Developer located in Sheffield, England.

In the December 2023, I graduated in MSc Artificial Intelligence with distinction from the Manchester Metropolitan University.  I love making web and mobile applications. Follwoing is some of my recent work.


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I completed this dissertation as part of my MSc Artificial Intelligence Degree. The dissertation focuses on building a motion-sensing camera device using Raspberry Pi that detects and classifies wildlife.

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Local Search visualisation on 8 Queens Problem

This project utilizes ReactJS to provide a visual representation of the local search algorithm solving the 8 Queens problem. The 8 Queens problem is a classic puzzle that involves placing eight chess queens on an 8x8 chessboard in a way that none of the queens threaten each other.

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Tic-tac-toe vs AI

I completed a fun little project while taking the online course on Artificial Intelligence offered by Harvard. The project involved implementing a game playing agent using the minmax algorithm. This algorithm always looks for a state that has the minimum of the maximum possible losses at the subsequent states.

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